Degenerate - significado y definición. Qué es Degenerate
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Qué (quién) es Degenerate - definición

Degenerate; Degenerative; Degeneracy (disambiguation); Degeneration (disambiguation); Non-degeneracy; Degeneration

v. (D; intr.) to degenerate from; into
I. v. n.
Deteriorate, decline, decay, become worse, grow worse, fall off, run down, become enfeebled or impaired or perverted.
II. a.
Inferior, mean, base, corrupt, fallen, degenerated, decayed, in decadence.
¦ adjective d?'d??n(?)r?t
1. having lost the physical or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.
Biology having reverted to a simpler form as a result of losing a structure present in the ancestral form.
2. Physics relating to or denoting a quantized energy level corresponding to more than one state.
denoting matter at such high density (e.g. in neutron stars) that quantum effects are dominant.
¦ noun d?'d??n(?)r?t a morally degenerate person.
¦ verb d?'d??n?re?t decline or deteriorate physically or morally.
degeneracy noun
degenerately adverb
C15: from L. degeneratus 'no longer of its kind', from degenerare, from degener 'debased', from de- + genus, gener- 'race, kind'.



Degeneracy, degenerate, or degeneration may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Degenerate
1. degenerate.
Gad Saad _ Talks at Google
2. to degenerate.
Neither Ghost nor Machine _ Jeremy Sherman _ Talks at Google
3. whatever degenerates.
Neither Ghost nor Machine _ Jeremy Sherman _ Talks at Google
4. of condemning as degenerate?
Nazi Looting - Theft and Recovery _ Shauna Isaac _ Talks at Google
5. They were degenerate art.
Salon Kitty (1976)
Ejemplos de uso de Degenerate
1. Instead of trying to rise above our degenerate politics, she became trapped in the spiderweb of this degenerate politics.
2. If that doesnt happen, the situation on the ground has all the potential to degenerate degenerate both on the humanitarian side and also on the security side.
3. Japan has turned Rightist and reactionary politically and morally degenerate.
4. Protests for more housing sometimes degenerate into riots.
5. IMF officials say spiraling prices could degenerate into hyperinflation.